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Our Shops

Elsey's Yard, Risbygate St, BSE


Freedom Church, Gt Barton

Come and visit us at our shops.

Choose your own items on a 'pay as you feel basis' (minimum donation £2
but larger donations are always appreciated). All funds go towards supporting the project.


Education on Food Waste

What you can do to help save food from being thrown away

We can all do more to help reduce food waste. The more we understand about labels and what food should smell and look like, especially after the best before date on the packaging, the better we will be able to make decisions on what we can still safely use and what really is ready to go in the bin.
It all comes down to education.


Community Spirit

A hub for food waste in the community

Still Good Food work alongside a number of other local organisations to be a connection and information point in the community between the public and other organisations.

Reducing Food Waste

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